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The release of Vertica 9.0 in fall 2017 marks the end of support for Vertica 7.2.x and 8.0. — Vertica Forum

The release of Vertica 9.0 in fall 2017 marks the end of support for Vertica 7.2.x and 8.0.

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Administrator
edited September 2017 in General Discussion

Upon the expiration of the product versions 7.2.3-x and 8.0-x, Vertica offers a minimum period of Self-Help Support with rights to new versions to our customers that have a support contract in good standing.

While Vertica offers a Self-Help Support with rights to the new version's support period, we strongly recommend that you run the latest version of your Vertica software product. When a product is in the Self-Help Support period, you will have access to all of the latest patches, and the ability to contact the support team, upgrade to new Vertica versions, and access the Knowledge Base and the Forum.

No new enhancement requests, security patches, fixes, document changes, or platform certifications will be made for product versions in Self-Help Support with rights to new versions.


  • How long will we be able to get break/fix support for 7.2.x?

  • AMillerAMiller - Select Field - Employee

    You will have self help support for 7.2.x but we suggest that you plan to move off of 7.2.x in the near future. You will have access to existing patches, but there will not be any planned additional patches once the 9.0 version releases. Our plan is to assist for an additional 6 months from the 9.0 release.

  • AMillerAMiller - Select Field - Employee

    Correction to the above statement; "Our plan is to assist for an additional 6 months from the 9.0 release."
    We will continue to support the product longer than 6 months from a Support perspective. We will help customers until they migrate off of the version as best we can.

  • Please could you confirm release date for 9.0 Release.

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Vertica 9.0 was released on 10/16/2017!

    Here are the release notes:

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