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Using PostgreSQL connection — Vertica Forum

Using PostgreSQL connection

I trying to connect a REST API developed with Ruby to vertica database.
I found a ruby gems for vertica connection but it's not a vertica official project and it's not too match used, so we can't use it in production latre.
I think vertica is compatible with PostgreSQL but not 100%.
It's safe to use a PostgreSQL ruby connector for vertica ( only for select queries ) ?
if no, what is the disadvantage of using a PostgreSQL connector ?


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator


    I use a PostgreSQL connector to interface with Vertica from a development tool called XOJO without issue. There could be times where the driver expects a schema to exist, but as a work around, you can create it in Vertica. Although, I have not seen that issue with recent PostgreSQL drivers.

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