Improve Disk Storage & Table Partitions

I am new to this Vertica Project.
We have a cluster with 36 nodes and the free disk space in all the nodes are less than 20%.
I am trying to analyze all tables and its storage, would like to recommend some solutions.

Noticed following issues,
1. We have some data that gets uploaded to TABLE_DAILY on a daily basis, same data is summarized and stored in TABLE_WEEKLY & TABLE_MONTHLY (monthly summary).
TABLE_DAILY is partitioned by DATE (Occupies 10TB data)
TABLE_WEEKLY is partitioned by WEEK (Occupies 10TB data)
TABLE_MONTHLY is partitioned by MONTH (Occupies 10TB data)

WEEKLY & MONTHLY tables are created to improve the performance when tableau connects to pull data from Vertica.

Can I keep only one table TABLE_DAILY which is partitioned by DATE, WEEK & MONTH so that it improves performance when Tableau connects to Vertica and can save more space. Can you suggest some options please.

  1. We have a retention policy, to keep data in Vertica for 3 years. Can we create a Storage Policy and move all data which are older than 3 years?

Could you please suggest some options to improve some space in our DB.

Thanks in Advance.


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