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Does flex tables support projections ? — Vertica Forum

Does flex tables support projections ?

Does flex tables has projections, if yes how to apply projections to flex tables.
Thanks in advance


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Yes, FLEX tables support projections. But unless you materialize columns, I do not think they are of much use (other than the default SUPER projection).


    dbadmin=> create flex table proj_test();
    dbadmin=> insert into proj_test select 1 c1, 2 c2;
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> select c1, c2 from proj_test;
     c1 | c2
     1  | 2
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> create projection proj_test_pr as select c1, c2 from proj_test order by c2 segmented by hash(c1) all nodes;
    WARNING 5727:  Sort clause contains a LongVarbinary attribute, proj_test.__raw__ - data loads may be slowed significantly
    HINT:  Consider using a non-long type column for sorting or adding at least one such column to the table
    WARNING 5724:  Segmentation clause contains a LongVarbinary attribute, proj_test.__raw__ - data loads may be slowed significantly
    HINT:  Consider using a non-long type column for segmentation or adding at least one such column to the table
    WARNING 4468:  Projection <public.proj_test_pr> is not available for query processing. Execute the select start_refresh() function to copy data into this projection.
              The projection must have a sufficient number of buddy projections and all nodes must be up before starting a refresh
    dbadmin=> select start_refresh();
     Starting refresh background process.
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> select * from proj_test_pr;
     c1 | c2
     1  | 2
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> select projection_name, segment_expression from projections where anchor_table_name = 'proj_test';
     projection_name |               segment_expression
     proj_test_super | hash(proj_test.__identity__)
     proj_test_pr    | hash(public.MapLookup(proj_test.__raw__, 'c1'))
    (2 rows)
    dbadmin=> explain select c1, c2 from proj_test order by c2;
                                                                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                                  
     explain select c1, c2 from proj_test order by c2;
     Access Path:
     +-SORT [Cost: 18, Rows: 1 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
     |  Order: public.MapLookup(proj_test.__raw__, 'c2') ASC
     | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for proj_test [Cost: 11, Rows: 1 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
     | |      Projection: public.proj_test_super
     | |      Materialize: proj_test.__raw__

    Note above that the default SUPER projection is used for the query (even though I order by C2).

    Next I will materialize the columns C1 and C2 and create another projection:

        dbadmin=> alter table proj_test add column c1_materialized int default c1::int;
        dbadmin=> alter table proj_test add column c2_materialized int default c2::int;
        dbadmin=> create projection proj_test_pr2 as select c1_materialized, c2_materialized from proj_test order by c2_materialized segmented by hash(c1_materialized) all nodes;
        WARNING 4468:  Projection <public.proj_test_pr2> is not available for query processing. Execute the select start_refresh() function to copy data into this projection.
                  The projection must have a sufficient number of buddy projections and all nodes must be up before starting a refresh
        dbadmin=> select start_refresh();
         Starting refresh background process.
        (1 row)
        dbadmin=> select projection_name, segment_expression from projections where anchor_table_name = 'proj_test';
         projection_name |               segment_expression
         proj_test_super | hash(proj_test.__identity__)
         proj_test_pr    | hash(public.MapLookup(proj_test.__raw__, 'c1'))
         proj_test_pr2   | hash(proj_test.c1_materialized)
        (3 rows)
        dbadmin=> explain select c1_materialized, c2_materialized from proj_test order by c2_materialized;
                                                                                                                                QUERY PLAN                                              
         explain select c1_materialized, c2_materialized from proj_test order by c2_materialized;
         Access Path:
         +-STORAGE ACCESS for proj_test [Cost: 10, Rows: 1 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
         |  Projection: public.proj_test_pr2
         |  Materialize: proj_test.c2_materialized, proj_test.c1_materialized

    Now, the expected projection is being used correctly.

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