"isdecimal(input_expression, decimal_format)" function in vertica
Hi support,
Is the "Isdecimal" function avaible under vertica. It's the same question for isdate() and isint()
Hi support,
Is the "Isdecimal" function avaible under vertica. It's the same question for isdate() and isint()
You can create your own SQL functions....
Simple Example:
Hi support,
Thank you for your reply.
I tested your SQL function and it works for positive numbers, by changing the REGEXP_COUNT it works also for negative numbers. However, I wanted to have this possibility to pass in parameter the format of the expected decimal. Can you explain to me how to implement this in vertica ? I want a SQL function that looks like this below.
isdecimal(input_expression, decimal_format)
isdecimal('-10,905', '- #.##') ==> return 0 because it does not match the expected format
isdecimal('-10,905', '#.##') ==> return 0 because it does not match the expected format
isdecimal('-10,905', '- #.###') ==> return 1 because it matches the expected format
isdecima(‘2’) ==> return 1
Thank for your help
I'm sure there are a million ways to create the function you want! Here's one way to get you started:
Here is the output of your samples:
For that last one, it failed 'cause no format string was passed. But is 2 a decimal? I think 2.0 is.
Anyway, you can modify the code to handle what ever case you want and also check the format string, i.e. does it only contain a negative sign and # characters?
You can also go back to the original REGEX, I was just trying out the SPLIT_PART function...
Thank you for that answer.
After several tests this method does not cover all cases.
I wanted to proceed as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "DMM1E"."test_date"(input_expression Varchar, date_format Varchar)
RETURN varchar(20)
RETURN (CASE ((input_expression)::!date)::varchar WHEN NULLSEQUAL input_expression THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)::varchar(20);
I wanted to store the result (input_expression) ::! date in a variable you can tell me how to use a variable in vertica function(SQL).
When I call the function with test_date ('2017-02-29',) I get the error message below. I want to get 0. Thank you for your help.
... Physical database connection acquired for:
13:47:55 [SELECT - 0 rows, 0.016 secs] [Code: 2992, SQL State: 22008] [Vertica]VJDBC ERROR: Date/time field value out of range: "2017-02-29"... 1 statement(s) executed, 0 rows affected, exec/fetch time: 0.016/0.000 sec [0 successful, 1 errors]
User Defined SQL Functions have to be pretty simple. There is no way to store data in variables or handle the type of error you are receiving.
Maybe the following function that uses yet another REGEXP can help?
Note: The regular expression matches ANSI SQL date format YYYY-mm-dd hh:mi:ss am/pm. You can use / - or space for date delimiters, so 2017-12-31 works just as well as 2017/12/31. It also checks leap year from 1901 to 2099.
Thank you. case Resolved