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Vertica cluster expansion — Vertica Forum

Vertica cluster expansion

I installed vertica on single node without localhost(or that means the ip whatever i had for my system with ip (xxx.xxx.x.1).And I also installed vertica on another server with ip (xxx.xxx.x.2). Now I want to add these two nodes. But when I performed that through management console via add host,it shows me all hosts are participating. How do I add those nodes.
Please, explain me how to add them to make cluster.
Thanks in advance.


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Can you post the hosts that are listed in your clusters (single node #1) and (single node #2)?

    You can use this Linux command:

    grep hosts /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf

  • Hi jim,
    I found that mistake.Before adding another node to single node we use update_vertica script.To do this we need to do backup.For this I want to create vbr configuration file but every time it gives me file name error.
    I followed like this and I got error.

    Warning: This setup tool is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. Please use config file samples we provide in /opt/vertica/share/vbr/example_configs instead of using this tool.
    Snapshot name (backup_snapshot): fullbak
    Number of restore points (1): 3
    Specify objects (no default):
    Object restore mode (coexist, createOrReplace or create) (createOrReplace): coexist
    Vertica user name (dba_dbadmin): dba_dbadmin
    Save password to avoid runtime prompt? (n) [y/n]: n
    Node v_testing_node0001
    Backup host name (no default): backups
    Backup directory (no default): /home/dba_dbadmin
    Change advanced settings? (n) [y/n]: n
    Config file name (fullbak.ini): fullbak
    Error: Can not save file fullbak, try again? (y) [y/n]: y
    Config file name (fullbak.ini): fullback.ini
    Error: Can not save file fullback.ini, try again? (y) [y/n]: n
    Setup config failed: Can not save file fullback.ini

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator


    Where are you trying to create the fullback.ini file? Do you have the privilege to write to that directory?


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