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Create Table vs Insert Into /*+direct*/ — Vertica Forum

Create Table vs Insert Into /*+direct*/


What is the difference between:

  • create table
  • insert into /+direct/

I did some tests and have difference (dramatic) between above 2 scenarios:

  • create table took abot 700s
  • insert into took about 10000s

I used the same sql statement.



  • I just checked...
    Create table is creating projection with following order and segmentation:

    ORDER BY test_col.col1,
    SEGMENTED BY hash(test_col.col1, test_col.col2, test_col.col4, test_col.col3)

    I use col1 as my key in queries, so i thought that it will be the best to order by it (col1). But then it tooks a lot of time...

    So its better to have more columns in order clause ?

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