Vertica 9.0.1 is out!

Today marks the GA release of Vertica 9.0.1, a maintenance release – the first service pack for v 9. Some of the new feature highlights include:

  • Can now upgrade machine learning models with Vertica upgrade
  • Vertica continues its customer beta program around separation of compute and storage on AWS. The latest drop further reduces AWS costs and improves scaling.
  • B/R for N -> N+1: Can now restore objects from a cluster running an older version of Vertica to a cluster running a newer version of Vertica.
  • Integration with Apache Ranger for centralized Hadoop-Vertica security policies
  • High Availability (HA) support for HCatalog connector
  • Random Forest machine learning algorithm now also for regression in addition to classification

View all the enhancements here:

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