Key differences between Column-oriented Vertica & SQL dbs such as PostgreSQL?
Mathematically, suppose a matrix M and its transpose M'. I can consider M rowwise and I can consider M' rowwise. Now suppose that M1 is a PostgreSQL table and M1' its transpose. When I consider M1' rowwise, I am considering its columns -- column-oriented table?
I am trying to find words to explain Vertica to SQL developers and mathematicians.
What makes Vertica different from traditional db approaches? Is Vertica just a storage for the transposes of basic tables or is it a key-value pair storage for xetabyte of data?
What are the key differences between column-oriented dbs such as Vertica and traditional SQL dbs such as PostgreSQL?
I'd recommend that you read the William McKnight white paper "Transitioning from PostgreSQL to an Analytical Database for Higher Performance and Massive Scale".
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