Pre 9.1 upgrade script

I ran the script, but it didn't produce any DDL nor did it produce the message from the README (Congratulations! No unsafe projections detected
). So, confused about result (shown below)...

Number of Nodes=1
Current system K=0
Current system scaling factor=4

Your current system K-safety is 0.
If this setting is expected, no need to run this script
If this setting is unexpected, set the right k-safety in your database and rerun the script again


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator

    The K-safety of your Vertica database is 0. Is that correct? How many nodes do you have?

    If you take a peek at the shell script, you don't have to do anything if your K-safety is 0:

    # Check if k-safety is 0, if so, no need to do anything
    if [ "$curK" -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "************************************************************************************************************"
        echo "Your current system K-safety is 0. "
        echo "If this setting is expected, no need to run this script"
        echo "If this setting is unexpected, set the right k-safety in your database and rerun the script again"
        echo "************************************************************************************************************"
        exit 0

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