Export Schema from Vertica to PostgreSQL


I have been trying to export a schema to PostgreSQL. I have used vsql commands as per vertica's documentation instructions, and I also have tried using DBVisualizar to generate the .sql file.

I have not been able to find a reliable source or a source that could help me export a schema from PostgreSQL to Vertica. Is there a resource and/or best practice on how to achieve this?


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator

    I'm confused. The topic is "Export Schema from Vertica to PostgreSQL"

    But then you say:

    I have not been able to find a reliable source or a source that could help me export a schema from PostgreSQL to Vertica

    Which way are you going? Hopefully from PostgerSQL nonsense to Stonebraker's crowning achievement, Vertica :smile:

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