Vertica 9 ODBC driver core dumps on Solaris
Recently we started to test our application with Vertica 9.0.1 ODBC driver on Solaris (SunOS 5.10 sparc) with DataDirect driver manager and found out that application core dumps inside Vertica drivers. We tried with previous ODBC driver versions (8, 7) still no success. The only version which worked correctly is 4.1.19_datadirect.
Have somebody faced the same issue?
Stack trace:
(dbx) where
current thread: t@1
dbx: warning: can't find file "/export/home/release/.ivy2/lib/Sun510_sparc/"
dbx: warning: can't find file "/export/home/release/.ivy2/lib/Sun510_sparc/"
dbx: warning: can't find file "/export/home/release/.ivy2/lib/Sun510_sparc/"
dbx: warning: can't find file "/export/home/release/.ivy2/lib/Sun510_sparc/"
[1] realfree(0x7fffef8a31588, 0x5047415554485459, 0x1da3e4, 0x5047415554485458, 0x7fffefa63e000, 0x7fffef8a31578), at 0x7fffefa463c4c
[2] cleanfree(0x0, 0x1d9a74, 0x7fffefa64ead8, 0x7fffefa4d0290, 0x7fffefa63e000, 0x7fffefa64ebd8), at 0x7fffefa4645e8
[3] _malloc_unlocked(0x10, 0x440, 0x10233abe0, 0x7fffefa63e000, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x7fffefa463624
[4] malloc(0xd, 0x23e8, 0x1dab58, 0x7fffefa4d1774, 0x7fffefa63e000, 0x2000), at 0x7fffefa4634f8
[5] _strdup(0x102338bf0, 0x7fffef8a31b10, 0x7fffef8a31b10, 0x1, 0x100000000000000, 0x1), at 0x7fffefa477368
=>[6] PQcreateConn(pghost = 0x102338bf0 "", pgport = 0x1023029d0 "5433", pgoptions = 0x7fffef72be020 "", pgtty = 0x7fffef72be021 "", dbName = 0x102336cf0 "VMart", login = 0x102338c60 "dbadmin", pwd = 0x102338cc0 "password", sslmode = (nil)), line 864 in "fe-connect.c"
[7] Vertica::VPGConnection::Setup(this = 0x102332b30, in_server = CLASS, in_port = CLASS, in_database = CLASS, in_user = CLASS, in_password = CLASS) (optimized), at 0x7fffef5d65cd0 (line ~69) in "VPGConnection.cpp"
[8] Vertica::VConnection::Connect(this = 0x102332a20, in_connectionSettings = CLASS) (optimized), at 0x7fffef5d3c414 (line ~435) in "VConnection.cpp"
[9] Simba::ODBC::ConnectionState2::SQLDriverConnectW(0x7fffef8ca4030, 0x102335860, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffff7fffa170, 0x102332a20), at 0x7fffef6dfef9c
[10] Simba::ODBC::Connection::SQLDriverConnectW(0x102335860, 0x0, 0x102336940, 0xc01, 0x102337fa0, 0xc01), at 0x7fffef6ded23c
[11] DoTask<Simba::ODBC::SQLDriverConnectTask >(0x7fffef89d9ab0, 0x1, 0xffffffff7fffa768, 0x7fffefa6455d4, 0xffffffff7fffa6a0, 0x9288), at 0x7fffef6db4c38
[12] SQLDriverConnectW(0x18c800, 0x0, 0x102336940, 0x5b, 0x102337fa0, 0xc01), at 0x7fffef6d804d4
[13] 0x7fffefe1310ac(0x1015baf60, 0x0, 0xffffffff7fffa89e, 0xb6, 0xfffe, 0x0), at 0x7fffefe1310ac
[14] 0x7fffefe130794(0x1015baf60, 0x0, 0xffffffff7fffb5ee, 0xfffe, 0xffffffff7fffb6d4, 0x1015bba50), at 0x7fffefe130794
[15] 0x7fffefe130ca8(0x1015baf60, 0x0, 0xffffffff7fffd280, 0x0, 0xffffffff7fffd07e, 0x800), at 0x7fffefe130ca8
[16] SQLDriverConnect(0x1015baf60, 0x0, 0xffffffff7fffd280, 0x5b, 0xffffffff7fffc87c, 0x800), at 0x7fffefe1180fc
[17] odbc::otl_conn::rlogon(0xffffffff7fffeba8, 0x101d44d3b, 0xffffffff7fffd280, 0x44, 0x0, 0x100ef5340), at 0x1002200c8
[18] otl_tmpl_connect<odbc::otl_exc,odbc::otl_conn,odbc::otl_cur>::rlogon(0xffffffff7fffeba0, 0x101d44ce0, 0x1, 0x7fffefa64f7e4, 0x2, 0x0), at 0x10021f94c
[19] DBSelector::initSelector(0xffffffff7fffeb98, 0x101cdff10, 0xffffffff7fffdbe8, 0x22e494, 0x1012d8420, 0x100000), at 0x100390240
[20] DBSelector::init(0xffffffff7fffeb98, 0x10c, 0x1014be130, 0x0, 0x24, 0x1014be130), at 0x10038fc94
[21] main_function(0x100c00, 0xffffffff7fffee28, 0x11b4400, 0x1014b26c8, 0xb570, 0x1014b5b18), at 0x100209cf8
[22] entry_point(0xe, 0xffffffff7fffee28, 0xffffffff7fffeea0, 0x7fffefa44ca00, 0x7fffefad05380, 0x7fffefb100200), at 0x10020e210