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Creating django based REST API with Vertica — Vertica Forum

Creating django based REST API with Vertica


I need to create a Django Based REST API, that can connect to a HP Vertica database. Through this API, the aim is to send SQL-type requests along with the names of tables to download specific data. I have been able to connect directly to python based database connection engines like vertica-python, however, I am at a loss on how to create a django based REST api that can do this. Any help in this regard?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.

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  • Hi!

    Is this still relevant? If so, what version of Django and Verica? Actually all you need is a Django-Vertica backend, that's all. For the Django 1.7 connector is already exists(connector is already used in production in some companies).


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