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Vertica performance degradation after Hyper-V upgrade — Vertica Forum

Vertica performance degradation after Hyper-V upgrade

edited July 2018 in General Discussion

we upgraded the MS Windows server 2008 R2 Hyper-V cluster to MS Windows server 2012 R2 Hyper-V cluster. After the upgrade we found that Linux guest with Vertica is having performance problems – the performance degradation is from 30% to 45%. The Linux guest is running the Vertica database. Before the upgrade, there were no problems with Linux guest.

What have we did + the result:
1. Turn off the numa in grub.conf (numa=off) -> performance degradation was the same,
2. Update LIS to version 4.2.5 -> performance degradation was the same,
3. Increase the number of cores from 4 to 16 -> performance degradation was the same,
4. We also changed the I/O scheduler to "deadline" and we achieved better performance,
but it was not the same performance as before the upgrade.

Information about the Linux guest:
OS: Red Hat 6.9
Number of vCPU: 4
Application: HPE Vertica 7.2.3

Thank you.


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