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Vertica R Udx in build protobuf — Vertica Forum

Vertica R Udx in build protobuf

Arumugaguru_MArumugaguru_M Vertica Employee
Hi Team,

I am trying to use tensorflow with R Udx, since R language support running tensor flow code in it, but I face some issue while running the R udx and getting error as

This program (tensorflow) requires 3.6.0 version of protocol buffer library but installed version is 2.6.0.

In my system we have the protobuf version as 3.6.0.

Could someone please help me from where the Vertica udx is looking out the 2.6.0 version, is it built within vertica udx code, if so how to fix it.


Best Answers

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Hi, sorry it took so long to provide an update. Vertica 9.2.1 release has been upgraded to include protobuf 3.6 in order to support tensorflow and other packages. Let us know if you have further issues after upgrading to 9.2.1 latest patch. Thanks!

  • Arumugaguru_MArumugaguru_M Vertica Employee
    Answer ✓

    Thanks, Bryan, let me take a look at it again

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