The Management Console shows "unknown" for the "host name" for two of the three nodes in the cluster

The Vertica Management Console shows "unknown" for the "host name" property on two of the three nodes within my cluster. This same behavior happens on two of my clusters. One is a 7.2.0 version, and the other is a 9.0 version. The clusters seem fine, and do report as being "up"... it's just the "host name" that doesn't populate. I've tried restarting the agents using the service, as well as just running the "" command line. I don't actually have anything within my "agent.conf" file on any nodes... but still MC reports properly for the first node within either cluster. Anyone have an idea as to why?


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited 2018 29

    There was an old issue that was fixed in MC 7.1.0:

    Release 7.1.0 (07/31/2014) - Previously, Management Console on remote non-database nodes imported through the public network. All private IPs showed the database and node state as unknown, but displayed all other details normally. The issue has been resolved.


    What version of MC are you running?

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