We want to get current epoch and ahm_epoch value from the vertica.log on each node.

We want to get current epoch and ahm_epoch value from the vertica.log on each node.
Anyone, please advice me how to identify these value from vertica.log

Best Answer


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited September 2018

    The CE and AHM should be the same across the cluster unless a node is down.

    dbadmin=> SELECT get_current_epoch(), get_ahm_epoch();
     get_current_epoch | get_ahm_epoch
                   906 |           904
    (1 row)

    You can find the AHM in the vertica.log file on each node with Linux commands... something like the following (I have 3 nodes, database name is test_db):

    [dbadmin@vertica01 ~]$ ssh vertica01 "grep \"GetClusterAHMCandidate: My local node AHM candidate =\" /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0001_catalog/vertica.log | tail -1" | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}'
    [dbadmin@vertica01 ~]$ ssh vertica02 "grep \"GetClusterAHMCandidate: My local node AHM candidate =\" /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0002_catalog/vertica.log | tail -1" | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}'
    [dbadmin@vertica01 ~]$ ssh vertica03 "grep \"GetClusterAHMCandidate: My local node AHM candidate =\" /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0003_catalog/vertica.log | tail -1" | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}'

    Note that the log file stores epochs in HEX. You can convert them to integer in Linux like this:

    [dbadmin@vertica01 ~]$ printf '%d\n' "0x388"

    Similarly, you can find the Current Epoch in Vertica logs...

    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ssh vertica01 "grep \"Commit Complete: Txn:\" /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0001_catalog/vertica.log | tail -1" | awk '{print $12}'
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ssh vertica02 "grep \"Commit Complete: Txn:\" /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0002_catalog/vertica.log | tail -1" | awk '{print $12}'
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ssh vertica03 "grep \"Commit Complete: Txn:\" /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0003_catalog/vertica.log | tail -1" | awk '{print $12}'
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ printf '%d\n' "0x38a"
  • Hi,

    Best method is to look for Epoch.log file which is located under your catalog directory:


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited September 2018


    But the Epoch.log file, which is used during recovery to indicate the latest epoch that contains a complete set of data, is only there when the DB or node was shut down cleanly. It's not there on an up DB or after a crash.


    DB shut down cleanly (Epoch.log created):

    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ls *.log
    bootstrap-catalog.log  editor.log  startup.log  vertica.log
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ admintools -t stop_db -d test_db
    Info: no password specified, using none
            Connecting to database
            Issuing shutdown command to database
    Database test_db stopped successfully
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ls *.log
    bootstrap-catalog.log  editor.log  Epoch.log  startup.log  vertica.log

    Node shut down cleanly, after restarting the DB (Epoch.log created):

    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ls *.log
    bootstrap-catalog.log  editor.log  startup.log  vertica.log
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ admintools -t stop_node -s vertica01
    *** Forcing host shutdown ***
            Sending host shutdown command to ''
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ls *.log
    bootstrap-catalog.log  editor.log  Epoch.log  startup.log  vertica.log

    DB node killed, after restarting node from previous example (Epoch.log NOT created):

    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ls *.log
    bootstrap-catalog.log  editor.log  startup.log  vertica.log
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ps -ef | grep [c]atalog
    dbadmin   15869      1  0 08:59 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/vertica/spread/sbin/spread -c /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0001_catalog/spread.conf -D /opt/vertica/spread/tmp
    dbadmin   15872      1 12 08:59 ?        00:00:10 /opt/vertica/bin/vertica -D /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0001_catalog -C test_db -n v_test_db_node0001 -h -p 5433 -P 4803 -Y ipv4
    dbadmin   15913  15872  0 08:59 ?        00:00:00 /opt/vertica/bin/vertica-udx-zygote 14 3 15872 debug-log-off /home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0001_catalog/UDxLogs 60 15 0
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ kill -9 15869 15872 15913
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ admintools -t view_cluster -d test_db
     DB      | Host          | State
     test_db | | DOWN
     test_db | | UP
     test_db | | UP
    [dbadmin@vertica01 v_test_db_node0001_catalog]$ ls *.log
    bootstrap-catalog.log  editor.log  startup.log  vertica.log
  • Hello Jim,

    thanks for the clarification. In our case, most of the time, we find this file in our system so it is easy for us to use it.

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