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Copy command not writing in load_streams table — Vertica Forum

Copy command not writing in load_streams table

Hey guys,

I'm loading some data into the vertica database using "copy local" and the uploads are not writing to the load_streams table. Can someone help me?

Copy command example:

COPY ftt_dim_empresa from local 'C:\SD\dm_empresa.csv' DELIMITER '|' DIRECT;

Best Answers

  • mpedrosompedroso
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the support.

    In fact, I have run some tests here and the information is recorded when the data volume is larger and consequently the time exceeds 1s. However, it's important to get the metrics for the smaller uploads as well, is there any way?


  • I saw in the documentation that the LOAD_SOURCES table does not save the COPY LOCAL command information. The same thing happens for a LOAD_STREAMS? If yes, is there any way to monitor and get as COPY LOCAL metrics?
  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited September 2018


    Running a COPY LOCAL does record info in the LOAD_STREAMS and LOAD_SOURCES table:

    dbadmin=> COPY test_local FROM LOCAL '/home/dbadmin/test_local.txt' DIRECT STREAM NAME 'TEST_LOCAL_DIRECT';
     Rows Loaded
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> \x
    Expanded display is on.
    dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM load_streams WHERE stream_name = 'TEST_LOCAL_DIRECT';
    -[ RECORD 1 ]----------+----------------------------------
    session_id             | v_test_db_node0001-233418:0x3a03f
    transaction_id         | 45035996274080107
    statement_id           | 7
    stream_name            | TEST_LOCAL_DIRECT
    schema_name            | public
    table_id               | 45035996275735582
    table_name             | test_local
    load_start             | 2018-09-24 08:23:47.654068-04
    load_duration_ms       | 21959
    is_executing           | f
    accepted_row_count     | 60000000
    rejected_row_count     | 6
    read_bytes             | 120000012
    input_file_size_bytes  | 120000012
    parse_complete_percent | 100
    unsorted_row_count     | 60000000
    sorted_row_count       | 60000000
    sort_complete_percent  | 100
    dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM load_sources WHERE stream_name = 'TEST_LOCAL_DIRECT';
    -[ RECORD 1 ]------------+----------------------------------
    session_id               | v_test_db_node0001-233418:0x3a03f
    transaction_id           | 45035996274080107
    statement_id             | 7
    stream_name              | TEST_LOCAL_DIRECT
    schema_name              | public
    table_oid                | 45035996275735582
    table_name               | test_local
    node_name                | v_test_db_node0001
    source_name              | /home/dbadmin/test_local.txt
    input_size               | 120000012
    peak_cooperating_threads | 1
    portion_offset           |
    portion_size             |
    read_bytes               | 120000012
    rows_produced            | 60000000
    rows_rejected            | 6
    parse_complete_percent   | 100
    is_executing             | f
    failure_reason           |

    Note that these system tables record info. from every COPY statement that takes more than 1-second to run. The 1-second duration includes the time to plan and execute the statement.

  • Nice! Thanks.

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