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9.1 Management console marketplace AMI? — Vertica Forum

9.1 Management console marketplace AMI?

Hi, I'm just curious what happened to the "Vertica Management Console with Provisioning" marketplace options... I can't find them for 9.1. Here's one for 9.0.1 but it says it's not available anymore:

How can I provision new EON mode clusters in AWS without this AMI available? I started a 9.1 management console from the community edition downloads page manually but the option to provision a new EON mode cluster is grayed out.


  • Hi,
    We did a AMI listing refactoring with 9.1.1 release. Now the Vertica Management Console is not listed individually. And you can find them inside the Vertica AMI listing. The Management Console will be deployed thru anyone of the CFTs.

    To deploy a Management Console with AWS provisioning service feature enabled, you need to deploy it thru one of the CFTs. There are certain IAM role and security rules need to be in place. We have to automate everything in the CFTs.

  • OK that makes sense but it's unfortunate that none of the docs reflect that change - they all refer to a now non-existent marketplace / AMI option...

    Also, the new marketplace options don't make it clear if the BYOL option is the community edition (I'm assuming it is though)

  • I will review the documentation and make the required fixes. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  • Thanks, SarahL!

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