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Backup restore failed: INTERNAL 5445: VIAssert(oidMap.count(depOid)) failed — Vertica Forum

Backup restore failed: INTERNAL 5445: VIAssert(oidMap.count(depOid)) failed

I am trying to restore a schema to a new vertica installation, and keep getting this error:

Error: SQL command "select load_snapshot();" failed: INTERNAL 5445: VIAssert(oidMap.count(depOid)) failed
DETAIL: /scratch_a/release/svrtar14969/vbuild/vertica/Catalog/CatalogQueries.cpp: 5046
HINT: Please report this error to Vertica; try restating your query
Restore FAILED.

We have a number of schemas stored in separate backup objects, and all the other schemas restored fine. What does this mean, and what can I do about it?

The backup was made of vertica 7.2.3, and the new vertica is also 7.2.3 (and will be upgraded once the data is all restored).


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