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ETL or ELT? What is the best for Vertica Database? — Vertica Forum

ETL or ELT? What is the best for Vertica Database?

Hey guys

I'm developing a DW using Vertica and would like to know which option would be best on Vertica. Do ETL (Extraction, transformation and load) or ELT (Extraction, loading and transformation within the Vertica)?


Best Answer


  • Hi marcothesane,

    Many thanks for the reply. I was already thinking about working with ELT. Now, with your confirmation I'll implement it that way.

    Thank you very much.

  • Hi marcothesane

    Thanks for answering my ETL or ELT question.

    I would like to take advantage of the contact and ask how the process of transforming and loading data in Vertica using the ELT process is done. I think I need to use two schemas, a "STAGE" to load my raw data and a "DW" schema to load the data already processed and following a multidimensional model. Would it be this?
    How could I automate the process of transforming and loading this data into Vertica? For this I could create a procedure?

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