Client to connect to Vertica
Hi, Is there a client to connect to a vertica database ? i am new to vertica and trying options to get started. i tried using dbvisualizer and it has go few limitations on its own. i am looking for something with intellisense like sql server management studio.
The Vertica enabled version of DbVisualizer IMHO is the best choice.
Other folks use DBeaver:
Hello savioceg,
Please let us know what type of timitation are you experiencing with DB Viisualizer. This will help us to work with them for any feature request. Thanks.
i can open only one session for a query, i am not able to drop tables from the window. i had to write a drop command to drop them, those features are part of the pro version.
Follow the instructions in the links below. They will help you set up a version of DbVisualizer that can open more than one window: