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Hot Fix updates with the release of 8.1.1-27 — Vertica Forum

Hot Fix updates with the release of 8.1.1-27

In Vertica 9.1 catalog performance features were implemented to reduce the size of the catalog by removing redundant information. That feature was backported to 9.0 and 8.1 and we have a determined that this caused a minor regression in the catalog growth, as well as impacting performance.

We fixed this issue in 9.2 with VER-63728 and with corresponding backports to 9.1, 9.0 and 8.1; All affected versions have been removed from the hotfix patches ftp site.

Hot fixes that contain the fix are:

9.1.1-5 and higher
9.0.1-18 and higher
8.1.1-27 and higher

If you are using any of the following hot fixes, we recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible to the corresponding latest version.

9.1 – 9.1.1-4
9.0.1-8 – 9.0.1-17
8.1.1-20 – 8.1.1-26

Please contact Vertica support with any questions.

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