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Evaluate the similarity of two strings and return the match rate In vertica SQL — Vertica Forum

Evaluate the similarity of two strings and return the match rate In vertica SQL

Hi Guys,

I am comparing two columns in a table which contains text search. I would like to know whether we have any functions in vertica as if we have in SQL server (Soundex()) and Excel(Fuzzy lookup). Kindly help me out in this.

Sample :
Here we compare Comp_name and Company_name -and the output is similarity

ALLIANCE ,alliance ia,0.9789
ARISTOON ,aristoon group,0.9556
ACII CLUB ,aciI - automobile club d'italia,0.9555
UNIVERSITTTTTA' DI MILANO , studi di milano,0.9250
START ,start srl,0.9077
ANASS ,anssa,0.9036

Thanks in advance


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