Support of Vertica 9.1 ( 9.1 and 9.2) on RHEL 7.6

The vertica 9.1 and 9.2 documentation says :
Micro Focus recommends that you run Vertica on the latest minor version listed in the supported versions list. For example, if you run Vertica on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x release, Micro Focus recommends you upgrade to or be running the latest supported RHEL 7.x release, which is 7.4. ( in 9.1 doc and 7.5 in 9.2 doc)
I guess this is because at the time doc was written, RHEL7.4/7.5 were the latest .
BUT today Jan 2019 RHEL 7.6 has been released, See announcement
When starting today a new deployment on RHEL, Natural choice is RHEL 7.6.
Question is Vertica 9.1/9.2 supported on RHEL 7.6.