Python UDX

edited February 2019 in General Discussion

Hi Jim,
I had created a python library and it contains depending site-packages for that I used
CREATE LIBRARY mylib AS '/home/dbadmin/' DEPENDS '/home/dbadmin/mylibs/*' LANGUAGE 'Python';
but it gives me:
ROLLBACK 6222: Depends can specify files only. [/home/dbadmin/mylibs] is not a valid file
I had done it using this URL::

It asking me to add specified file only but I need to add a folder which contains a bunch of files.
Actually, my file had:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

I got error for this line. Can you please explain me how to resolve this problem. Means how to add this dependent Crypto library to my mylib library



  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    What is your vertica version? It is a new feature and we support multi level dependencies feature starting vertica 9.2.

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