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maximum number of ROS containers — Vertica Forum

maximum number of ROS containers

Is there a maximum limit for the number of ROS containers ?
Could I set it to 99999 ?
Thank you,


  • chaimachaima Vertica Employee Employee

    The limit of ROS containers per projection is 1024.
    Why would you need 99999 :) ?

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    @vcarusi - Do not mess with the max ROS containers per projection. You'll run into issues and your database performance will be adversely affected!

  • Hi Jim,
    You are right. I meant the number of ROS containers per projection.
    I have a 70 GB table, with only one projection, and many processes that insert/update/select into/from it.
    The default maximum number of ROS containers was reached many time. I noticed the server was finding the table locked/involved in other processes, when it tried to mergeout the table. Thus, the mergeout wasn't executed and the number of containers increased.
    First solution was to double the maximum number of ROS containers. For a period it worked. But, again, the limit was reached.
    Then, I scheduled a mergeout when no process were modifying the table. The result is that, now, I have only one container.
    I don't know if is good or bad.

  • Is there a way to split data from a ROS containers? I have a big container 130 GB. I would like to have 1000 smaller containers.
    Thank you,

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