[Vertica][VJDBC](5569) ERROR:Either column "update_ts" does not exist or table alias "update_ts
Hi ,
I'm getting error while executing below Merge.
Please guide me.
Is it only allowed to update target column from Source column and not even current_timestamp.
[Vertica]VJDBC ERROR: Either column "update_ts" does not exist or table alias "update_ts" is not allowed in "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET" [SQL State=42602, DB Errorcode=5569]
1 statement failed.
MERGE /*+ DIRECT */ INTO schema.target_A tgt USING schema.stg_dup_rem src ON src.id = tgt.id WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET a = src.a, b = src.b, update_ts = current_timestamp WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES ( src.a, src.b, src.id, current_timestamp ) ;
Executing below query without column 'update_ts' in UPDATE and without current_timestamp in INSERT works fine
Works okay for me in vsql:
Are you running this in a tool like DbVisualizer?
Works in DbVisualizer too: