Restoring Vertica to a cluster with different IPs

Hey everyone,

My customer is trying to do the following.

They are currently on 7.2.3. They are in the early stages of upgrading to 8.x.

They are trying to use AWS as a DR site for their on-prem Vertica cluster. They have provisioned a similarly sized cluster on AWS. To save costs, they would like to keep the AWS cluster down until they need the DR capability.

Since, they are unable to backup to S3 directly, they have been running backup to a filesystem and then using AWS “sync” to move the data onto the cloud.

Once the data is in S3, their DR process would need to restore the backup from S3 to the newly started Vertica Cluster in AWS.

Is there a way to restore the vertica backup to a database with different IPs? I know that it is possible to edit the catalog manually and make these changes. Would the following command work with VBR and the restore?
admintools -t re_ip -f mapfile

Does anyone have the process for editing the IPs documented?

also, does anyone else see any other issues with this process?



  • DaveTDaveT Employee

    I recommend they upgrade to 9.x instead of 8.x.

    As far as the restore, the IPs can now be different (don't recall which version first allowed that but I think it was sometime in 7.x but possibly 8.0) but the release, ports, database name, and number of nodes still have to all be the same in both source and target. I successfully tested using on-prem backup and restore to AWS through S3. Not exactly what they are doing right now but it did work. I did not try to use AWS sync to move the data since I was on a release that supports backup to S3.

    I also successfully tested on-prem backup restored to GCP and this was probably a little closer to what they are attempting right now. In my case I only tested with a small database so I just tar compressed the backup directory from on-prem and scp-ed it to the GCP environment and then restored from there.

    I tested all of this on 9.1.1-4 and in all cases the on-prem IPs were different from the cloud IPs. You shouldn't need to edit the IPs.

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