Sessions are not aborting after Select close_session command as well.
I have few entries in Vertica locks table. I wanted to close those sessions. For which I tried select close_session() command . The command ran successfully giving below result. But the sessions are still there.
Session close command sent. Check v_monitor.sessions for progress.
Tried below commands nothing helped though:
Version: Vertica Analytic Database v9.2.0-2
Select close_session('session_id');
Select close_all_sessions();
ALTER DATABASE mydb SET MaxClientSessions = 1;
Any other way how can I close these sessions other than db restart? Is this a bug in vertica 9.2 version.
Thanks in Advance
Did you try the INTERRUPT_STATEMENT function?
Yeah I've tried this as well. But unfortunately this is also not closing the sessions.
What client tool (i.e. program) is creating these sessions that cannot be closed? Are they using ODBC or JDBC? Are these ssesion that cannot be closed currently running a SQL statement?
Yes these are JDBC sessions running through DbVisualizer. It was a copy statement trying to pick file from S3 bucket and load into Vertica. The sql is wrong as it gets hang after querying and I had to terminate the sessions but it is not closing permanently and staying in locks and query_requests.