Evaluate true/false on string saved expression

if a have a stored expressions in a column, can I evaluate it to true or false?

for example,
I have a column with values like:
exp (column name)
1=1 and 'a'<>'b'

and want to get back:
exp eval_result
1=1 true
1=1 and 'a'<>'b' true
1=1 and 'a'='l' true

is it possible?


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator
    edited May 2019

    My immediate thought is to generate SQL statements to evaluate the expressions...


    dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM boolean_operators;
     1=1 and 'a'<>'b'
     1=1 and 'a'='l'
    (3 rows)
    dbadmin=> \! vsql -Atc "SELECT 'SELECT ''' || REPLACE(exp, CHR(39), CHR(39) || CHR(39)) || ''' exp, (SELECT ' || exp || ') eval_resuls;' FROM boolean_operators;" | vsql
     exp | eval_resuls
     1=1 | t
    (1 row)
           exp        | eval_resuls
     1=1 and 'a'<>'b' | t
    (1 row)
           exp       | eval_resuls
     1=1 and 'a'='l' | f
    (1 row)

    Or this:

    dbadmin=> \! vsql -Atc "SELECT 'SELECT ''' || REPLACE(exp, CHR(39), CHR(39) || CHR(39)) || ''' exp, (SELECT ' || exp || ') eval_resuls ' || DECODE(LEAD(exp) OVER (ORDER BY 1), NULL, '', 'UNION ALL') FROM boolean_operators;" | vsql
           exp        | eval_resuls
     1=1 and 'a'='l'  | f
     1=1              | t
     1=1 and 'a'<>'b' | t
    (3 rows)

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