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HCatalog installaton on Vertica issue (9.0.1-4 version) — Vertica Forum

HCatalog installaton on Vertica issue (9.0.1-4 version)

Hello guys,

I am bit lost and desperate right now.

Main goal is to create HCatalog schema on Vertica.
What I executed:
CREATE HCATALOG SCHEMA hcat WITH HOSTNAME='host1' PORT=50070 HCATALOG_SCHEMA='schema' HIVESERVER2_HOSTNAME='host2' SSL_CONFIG='/etc/hadoop/conf/ssl-client.xml' HCATALOG_USER='hive';

But got the result:
SQL Error [7142] [42V15]: [Vertica][VJDBC](7142) ROLLBACK: Failed to create hcatalog schema: Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeProcessPartition(): Unexpected exception in User Defined Object [get_hive_metadata] org/w3c/dom/ElementTraversal

Till then I asked dwh collegues to execute:
hcatUtil --copyJars --hadoopHiveHome="$HADOOP_HOME/lib;$HIVE_HOME/lib;/hcatalog/dist/share" --hadoopHiveConfPath="$HADOOP_CONF_DIR;$HIVE_CONF_DIR;$WEBHCAT_CONF_DIR" --hcatLibPath="/tmp/hadoop-files"

When verifying on Vertica side:
`python /opt/vertica/packages/hcat/tools/hcatUtil --verifyJars --hcatLibPath=/opt/vertica/packages/hcat
Looking at [/opt/vertica/packages/hcat] for Jars

ERROR:: Following required Jars were not found:
[NOTE: Some jars not found below may only be needed for some versions of Hadoop. If your HPE Vertica HCatalog connector works correctly without these missing jars, they are not actually required for your Hadoop distribution]


WARNING:: Following optional Serde and Codec Jars were not found:


SUCCESS: Found all HDP required Jars.

SUCCESS: Found all CDH required Jars.

WARNING:: Following MapR required Jars were not found:


WARNING: Following native libraries are not found:



Found 41 out of 42 required JARs
Found 4 out of 5 optional Serde and Codec JARs
Found 2 out of 2 HDP required JARs
Found 1 out of 1 CDH required JARs
Found 2 out of 3 MapR required JARs
Found 2 out of 3 optional native libraries, 5 files in total
Looking at [/opt/vertica/packages/hcat] for configuration files
Found configuration file [hdfs-site.xml]
Found configuration file [hive-site.xml]
Found configuration file [yarn-site.xml]
Found configuration file [core-site.xml]`

Then I ran install.sql!

I hope that you would be wiser than me in this.


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