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tampered license after upgrading 8.0.1 to 8.1.1 — Vertica Forum

tampered license after upgrading 8.0.1 to 8.1.1

Hello, today i tried to update our CE vertica db from 8.0 to 8.1, but after upgrade im getting this error when starting db:
2019-06-07 13:50:47.308 Main:7fb8ee75e7c0-fff0000000000cc1 <PANIC> @v_stark_node0001: V2001/6570: License is tampered License was tampered, signature verification failed
After reverting back to 8.0.1 /opt/vertica folder database started successefully. Can you give me any advice about this problem?

P.S. 8.1.1 deb package was acquired from our other server, that runs 8.1.1 already.

My vertica.log, startup.log and ErrorReport.txt

Best Answer


  • Ariel_CaryAriel_Cary Vertica Employee Employee

    The logs say you do not have a CE license. Could you post the result of this query:
    select * from licenses;

  • i noticed 2tb in size column, it seems some time ago person, that was in charge of managing this db ran into 1tb CE limit and though that changing this in key file will give him more data capacity. I am actually found that key in /opt/vertica/config/share/license.key path. If this is root of my problem, can you tell me please, am i just need to revert this in license.key file, or i need to update licenses table?

  • OK, i just gave vertica valid license key via adminTools and after that upgrade went just fine. Thank you for your time.

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