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Date/Time Functions are working wrong — Vertica Forum

Date/Time Functions are working wrong

edited June 2019 in General Discussion

Vertica version 9.2

Date/Time Functions are working wrong.

When we provide column_name which contains many rows with "DateTime" (Column Sample: 2019-05-11 23:45:29), the hour value in output we receive is completely wrong when compare to actual hour from actual table (column_name)
For Example: Column Sample: 2019-05-11 23:45:29`
Query: --SELECT HOUR ( "column_name");--
Output: 12(Instead of 23. I got 12).
--SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC("column_name",'HH'),"column_name",TRUNC("column_name") FROM Table_Name;--
-- SELECT TO_CHAR ("column_name", 'HH24:MI:SS') AS my_date FROM Table_Name; --But Hard-code is working correctly
For Example:
--SELECT HOUR (TIMESTAMP '2019-05-11 23:45:29');--
--SELECT HOUR ( '2019-05-11 23:45:29');--
I don't know y these functions are wrongly calculating. Can anyone Help me to solve this issue? :)

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