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Identify Queries failed with syntax errors and it's failure reason. — Vertica Forum

Identify Queries failed with syntax errors and it's failure reason.

Where could I see the queries and it's respective error which failed with syntax error.
error_messages and dc_errors doesn't have the queries.
Query_requests and dc_requests_issued doesn't stores the queries failed with syntax errors.

Could anyone please help me with this.



  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Do you need to find this from a SQL query? It's in vertica.log:
    2019-06-19 14:06:48.920 Init Session:0x7f03da40b700 [Session] [Query] TX:0(v_docker_node0001-17861:0x9d98d) seledt * from foo;
    2019-06-19 14:06:48.920 Init Session:0x7f03da40b700 @v_docker_node0001: 42601/4856: Syntax error at or near "seledt" at character 1

  • Thanks for responding.
    I don't have access to check the vertica logs.
    So dependent on system logs

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited June 2019

    The ERROR_MESSAGES system table has the error:

    dbadmin=> SELECTd FROM foo;
    ERROR 4856:  Syntax error at or near "SELECTd" at character 1
    LINE 1: SELECTd FROM foo;
    dbadmin=> SELECT event_timestamp, node_name, error_level, error_code, message FROM error_messages ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;
            event_timestamp        |     node_name      | error_level | error_code |              message
     2019-06-19 15:50:28.922284-04 | v_test_db_node0001 | ERROR       |   16801924 | Syntax error at or near "SELECTd"
    (1 row)

    Queries that fail becuase of a syntax error are not stored in any system table.

    Maybe create an external table that reads the vertica.log info?

    Simple example:

    dbadmin=> SELECTd FROM foo;
    ERROR 4856:  Syntax error at or near "SELECTd" at character 1
    LINE 1: SELECTd FROM foo;
    dbadmin=> SELECT event_timestamp, node_name, error_level, error_code, message FROM error_messages ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;
            event_timestamp        |     node_name      | error_level | error_code |              message
     2019-06-19 16:13:18.535508-04 | v_test_db_node0001 | ERROR       |   16801924 | Syntax error at or near "SELECTd"
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE vertica_log (log_entry VARCHAR(1000)) AS COPY FROM '/home/dbadmin/test_db/v_test_db_node0001_catalog/vertica.log';
    dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM vertica_log WHERE log_entry ILIKE '2019-06-19 16:13:18%';
     2019-06-19 16:13:18.535 Init Session:0x7f50a2bfd700 [Session] <INFO> [Query] TX:0(v_test_db_node0001-419314:0x1c38) SELECTd FROM foo;
     2019-06-19 16:13:18.535 Init Session:0x7f50a2bfd700 <ERROR> @v_test_db_node0001: 42601/4856: Syntax error at or near "SELECTd" at character 1
    (2 rows)
  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Note, if queries fail becuase an error that is not caused by a syntax error, you can do the following to see the error and query:

    dbadmin=> CREATE TABLE test_table (c INT);
    dbadmin=> CREATE TABLE test_table (c INT);
    ROLLBACK 4213:  Object "test_table" already exists
    dbadmin=> SELECT qr.node_name, qr.start_timestamp,
    dbadmin->        LEFT(REGEXP_REPLACE(qr.request, '[\r\t\f\n]', ' '), 100) AS request,
    dbadmin->        em.error_level, em.error_code, em.message
    dbadmin->   FROM v_monitor.query_requests qr
    dbadmin->   JOIN v_monitor.error_messages em
    dbadmin->     ON em.node_name = qr.node_name
    dbadmin->    AND em.session_id = qr.session_id
    dbadmin->    AND em.request_id = qr.request_id
    dbadmin->    AND em.transaction_id = qr.transaction_id
    dbadmin->  ORDER BY qr.start_timestamp DESC
    dbadmin->  LIMIT 1;
         node_name      |        start_timestamp        |             request              | error_level | error_code |              message
     v_test_db_node0001 | 2019-06-19 16:35:30.381791-04 | CREATE TABLE test_table (c INT); | ERROR       |     290948 | Object "test_table" already exists
    (1 row)
  • Thank you everyone for your suggestions.. I was looking for options if we could get query and it's syntax errors recorded in system tables..and could generate a report later at the end of the day..

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