Hi Can we get a definition documented onthe VMC metric 'Spread Retransmit Rate' please
This Doc link, under the 'System Health' section specific to MC: https://www.vertica.com/docs/9.1.x/HTML/index.htm#Authoring/ManagementConsole/MonitoringVerticaUsingMC/MonitoringADatabaseClusterOnMC.htm?Highlight="Spread Retransmission Rate"
This forum post: https://forum.vertica.com/discussion/comment/219323/#Comment_219323
And these two Spread related blog posts:https://www.vertica.com/kb/Spread-Debugging/Content/BestPractices/Spread-Debugging.htmhttps://www.vertica.com/kb/SpreadConfigurationBestPractices/Content/SpreadConfigurationBestPractices.htm
Should get you started.
Thank you LenoyJ. Useful content which I have already viewed. What I was looking for was a 1-2 definition from Vertica on this. I may just have to infer one from the content you provided
This Doc link, under the 'System Health' section specific to MC: https://www.vertica.com/docs/9.1.x/HTML/index.htm#Authoring/ManagementConsole/MonitoringVerticaUsingMC/MonitoringADatabaseClusterOnMC.htm?Highlight="Spread Retransmission Rate"
This forum post:
And these two Spread related blog posts:
Should get you started.
Thank you LenoyJ. Useful content which I have already viewed. What I was looking for was a 1-2 definition from Vertica on this. I may just have to infer one from the content you provided