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VMC: Query Synopsis — Vertica Forum

VMC: Query Synopsis

Can anyone tell me please what N/A refers to in the attached image taken from VMC (9.2.0-7) Query Synopsis - Query Statistics - (Res Pools)



  • LenoyJLenoyJ - Select Field - Employee

    So it looks like that particular chart for completed queries is created by the querying data collector tables, dc_requests_completed, dc_requests_issued and dc_resource_acquisitions. The join to dc_resource_acquisitions (where the resource pool name comes from) is a left outer join. So I'm guessing that this table did not have the necessary transaction ids needed for the join. It probably hit the data retention policy for that dc table. Try increasing the policy for it to store more records.
    See this doc on more info: https://www.vertica.com/docs/9.2.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/AdministratorsGuide/Monitoring/Vertica/ConfiguringDataRetentionPolicies.htm
    The component for dc_resource_acquisitions is ResourceAcquisitions.
    Following queries may help you diagnose this:

    Get current data retention policy:

    SELECT GET_DATA_COLLECTOR_POLICY('ResourceAcquisitions');

    Check current disk usage to see if it's nearing the limit:

    SELECT node_name,component,table_name,disk_size_kb,current_disk_bytes/1024 as current_disk_kb from data_collector where table_name = 'dc_resource_acquisitions';

    Change the data retention policy to a higher value:
    (Modify this to what you want, preferably something for it to contain 24 hours worth of data as the chart in MC picks up 24 hours only):

    SELECT SET_DATA_COLLECTOR_POLICY('ResourceAcquisitions', '2000', '20000');

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