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Changing the default database time zone on ALL Nodes — Vertica Forum

Changing the default database time zone on ALL Nodes

verbanverban Vertica Customer

I studied this article:
but it changed only default time zone of one node, so I repeated it on all nodes (it means database stopped and started on each node).
Is there any better way to configure timezone altogether?



  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    @verban - That post showed you how to change the DB default timezone. If you want the Linux TZ variable on each node to be the same, that's a manual process that does not involve restarting the DB. You just have to log on to each server and set it. You can easily do that in a script.

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited September 2019

    @verban - If your intention is to change the database default TZ, you only need to change the Linux TZ variable on one node, then restart the DB using admintools from that node.

  • verbanverban Vertica Customer

    @Jim_Knicely said:
    @verban - If your intention is to change the database default TZ, you only need to change the Linux TZ variable on one node, then restart the DB using admintools from that node.

    First i set TZ on one node, but result of 'select now()' was different on other nodes (other nodes returned old timezone)
    Finally i set TZ on each nodes (on /etc/environment as globally, not locally with export that mentioned in the article) and restart the DB using admintools and it fixed on all nodes.

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