How to get table columns info using ODBC? (SQLColumns returns an error)

edited September 2019 in General Discussion

I am trying to retrieve table columns info using a call to ODBC SQLColumnsW. This part of code works well with all other ODBC sources (Impala, MS SQL Server, etc)
The call looks like:
SQLRETURN ret = SQLColumnsW(stmt, catalogName, catalogNameLength, schemaName,
schemaNameLength, tableName, tableNameLength, NULL, 0 );
Driver (version, Windows) returns the error:
HY009:11376: [Vertica][ODBC] (11376) Invalid use of NULL pointer for column name.

Best Answer


  • Thank you, I set it to SQL_FALSE and it works now with Vertica (probably SQL Server just ignores this flag and allows NULL).

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