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CORR_MATRIX() error — Vertica Forum


mgallantmgallant Vertica Customer
edited October 2019 in General Discussion

I'm trying to use CORR_MATRIX (simplified example, I realize CORR would work for just 2 columns) as follows:
select CORR_MATRIX("hour_7", "drops") OVER () from (
select * from (select apply_one_hot_encoder(* using parameters model_name='test_encoder', drop_first='false') from test) as Q1
) as Q2;

but getting this error:
ERROR 3457: Function CORR_MATRIX(int, int) does not exist, or permission is denied for CORR_MATRIX(int, int)
I'm running
vsql version 09.02.0007, built for Linux64
From JB Favre's vertica docker container
The docs say CORR_MATRIX is a 9.2.x feature, but I can't find details more granular than that.
Any ideas?

Best Answers


  • But as you indicated, just use CORR(), since you're just analyzing two columns.

  • I have this error too:
    Vertica 9.3
    variant1. SELECT corr_matrix(prescr_amount,total_pat_flow,target_pat_flow) OVER() FROM Baikal_Progressa_table;
    ERROR: Function corr_matrix(float, float, float) does not exist, or permission is denied for corr_matrix(float, float, float)

    SELECT corr_matrix("prescr_amount","total_pat_flow","target_pat_flow") OVER() FROM Baikal_Progressa_table;
    ERROR: Function corr_matrix(float, float, float) does not exist, or permission is denied for corr_matrix(float, float, float)

    SELECT corr_matrix('prescr_amount', 'total_pat_flow', 'target_pat_flow') OVER() FROM Baikal_Progressa_table;
    ERROR: Function corr_matrix(unknown, unknown, unknown) does not exist, or permission is denied for corr_matrix(unknown, unknown, unknown)

    Where my mistake??

  • Your first option should run.
    SELECT CORR_MATRIX(Sepal_Length, Sepal_Width, Petal_Length, Petal_Width) OVER() FROM iris;
    Perhaps it's a problem with the function. You might need to reinstall the packages associated with that function (probably the machine learning package). https://www.vertica.com/docs/9.3.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/InstallationGuide/Upgrade/PostUpgrade/UpgradingandReinstallingPackages.htm?zoom_highlight=uninstall package

  • Thanks!
    What is the name of the machine learning package? Where can I see it?

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited June 2020

    All of the Vertica packages are located under /opt/vertica/packages.
    You can reinstall the MachineLearning package like this:

    [dbadmin@localhost packages]$ admintools -t list_packages
                 Package Description
                     AWS Amazon Web Services Package
            ComplexTypes Functions for Complex Types
         MachineLearning In-dataBase Machine Learning package.
           ParquetExport Functions that support Parquet Export
          SparkConnector Spark connector for reading from and writing into Vertica
           TFIntegration Using Tensorflow models in Vertica
              VFunctions Vertica functions
             approximate Probabilistic/Approximate Aggregation Functions
               flextable Flexible Tables Data Load and Query
                    hcat Java/HCatalog data load and query
                   kafka Kafka streaming load and export
               logsearch Common Advanced text search functions
                   place Geospatial Data Query
                txtindex Common string-manipulation functions
           voltagesecure Voltage SecureData functions
    [dbadmin@localhost packages]$ admintools -t install_package -d  verticademos -P MachineLearning --force-reinstall
    Installing package MachineLearning...
  • Thanks. I'll tryT

  • It works!!

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