How to destroy vertica cluster (removing last node from the cluster)
Let's say I want to completely remove vertica cluster. I have successfully removed all the other nodes, dropped all databases on all nodes.
But I can't seem to destroy this cluster, I have tried removing remainder of node from that cluster, but it can't do this since:
Error: No machines will be included in the cluster!
[root@dev-dc1-verticadb ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --remove-hosts dev-dc1-verticadb --rpm vertica-9.2.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm --data-dir /vertica
Vertica Analytic Database 9.2.1-0 Installation ToolValidating options...
Mapping hostnames in --remove-hosts (-R) to addresses...
dev-dc1-verticadb =>
Error: No machines will be included in the cluster!
Hint: provide --hosts.
Installation FAILED with errors.
Installation stopped before any changes were made.
Best Answer
SruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator
Please try the following on the last node.
get the output of rpm -qa|grep verticaNow use the package name from the above output and run the following as root.
rpm -e package
For more instructions please review the below link
Ok, thanks, so I need to remove this package, understood.