resource_queues and resource_pool_status table are blank

Hello All,
These two tables are blank in Vertica. What should be possible cases when it is blank and how I can enable logging in these tables?
Hello All,
These two tables are blank in Vertica. What should be possible cases when it is blank and how I can enable logging in these tables?
Resource queues could be blank if there are no requests pending for various resource pools.
Can you provide the out of the below query
select * from resource_pool_status;
Hey Nimmi,
Please find attached file.
Downloaded and reviewed the status table and it's not blank. What information you trying to look into resource_pool_status table?
++ Can you check for active sessions by running the below query
select count() from sessions where statement_id is not null;
++ Check for the total number of executing query
select count() from query_requests where is_executing;
++ If both the above table return some value resource_pool_status should show some records by running below query. If not it could be a bug.
select * from resource_pool_status where running_query_count > 0;