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When will Visual Studio 2017 be supported? — Vertica Forum

When will Visual Studio 2017 be supported?

sorenhakolasorenhakola Vertica Customer

We are developing SSAS tabular cubes and SSRS reports with data from another source system than Vertica at the moment, but we are in the beginning of a project to take Vertica into more extensive use and at the same time switch from the older system to Vertica as datasources for the cubes.

We are now facing problems with Vertica driver, i.e. it is not recognized by VS 2017. We can of course use ODBC connections, but it would be nice to test if we can find performance differences between ODBC and Vertica driver. We don't want to go back to VS2015, since there are new functionality in VS2017 that we need for the tabular cubes to work correctly.

When can we expect Vertica to start supporting VS2017 and newer?



  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Please open a support case and mention VER-52246

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