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Effective way to track INSERT process — Vertica Forum

Effective way to track INSERT process

I try to find the effective way to track INSERT process. Sometimes INSERT statements can take too long to execute. It'd be great to have a possibility to track them.
I understand that the EE operators counters are what I need, but there is no detailed information about the underlying EE processes. Therefore, it's difficult to understand which counters should be used.


  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    The following script example shows the step differences between two INSERT statements.

    DROP TABLE my_table_xyz CASCADE;
    CREATE TABLE my_table_xyz
        time_id timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIME(0)::timestamp - randomint(730)/9,
        myuuid varchar(36)
    PARTITION BY (date(my_table_xyz.time_id));
    PROFILE INSERT /* +LABEL(test_insert_1) */ INTO my_table_xyz (myuuid) VALUES ('12345F8D-12C3-41F2-B175-E36E91B67890');
    \echo 'Generating 10k rows for INSERT..'
    \set GEN_ROWS 10000
    PROFILE INSERT /* +LABEL(test_insert_100) */ INTO my_table_xyz (myuuid)
    with myrows as (select UUID_GENERATE() as myuuid
    from ( select 1 from ( select now() as se union all select now()
    + :GEN_ROWS - 1 as se) a timeseries ts as '1 day' over (order by se)) b)
    select myuuid 
    from myrows;
    SELECT request_label, transaction_id, statement_id, request_duration_ms
    FROM   query_requests
    WHERE  request_label ilike 'test_insert_%' AND SUCCESS
    ORDER BY start_timestamp DESC
    LIMIT 2;
      request_label  |  transaction_id   | statement_id | request_duration_ms 
     test_insert_100 | 45035996273730393 |            1 |                  70
     test_insert_1   | 45035996273730385 |            1 |                  13
    (2 rows)
    \set trxid 45035996273730393
    \set stmtid 1
    \echo 'test_insert_100'
    SELECT execution_step, sum(completion_time - time) as elapsed
    FROM v_internal.dc_query_executions 
    WHERE   transaction_id=:trxid AND 
    GROUP BY 1
            execution_step         |     elapsed     
     ExecutePlan                   | 00:00:00.06311
     BeforePlan                    | 00:00:00.003658
     PreparePlan                   | 00:00:00.002045
     BeforePlan:AnalyzeRewrite     | 00:00:00.001745
     Plan                          | 00:00:00.001704
     CompilePlan                   | 00:00:00.001172
     CompilePlan:EEpreexecute      | 00:00:00.001114
     PreparePlan:EEcompile         | 00:00:00.000849
     PreparePlan:TunePlanResources | 00:00:00.000843
     PreparePlan:LocalPlan         | 00:00:00.000201
     LoadVirtualTableRows          | 00:00:00.000062
     CompilePlan:ReserveResources  | 00:00:00.000023
     PreparePlan:TakeTableLocks    | 00:00:00.000003
    (13 rows)
    \set trxid 45035996273730385
    \set stmtid 1
    \echo 'test_insert_1'
    SELECT execution_step, sum(completion_time - time) as elapsed
    FROM v_internal.dc_query_executions 
    WHERE   transaction_id=:trxid AND 
    GROUP BY 1
            execution_step         |     elapsed     
     BeforePlan                    | 00:00:00.035631
     ExecutePlan                   | 00:00:00.003215
     Plan                          | 00:00:00.002682
     PreparePlan                   | 00:00:00.001723
     BeforePlan:AnalyzeRewrite     | 00:00:00.001241
     CompilePlan                   | 00:00:00.00092
     CompilePlan:EEpreexecute      | 00:00:00.000865
     PreparePlan:EEcompile         | 00:00:00.000451
     PreparePlan:TunePlanResources | 00:00:00.00032
     PreparePlan:LocalPlan         | 00:00:00.000191
     BeforePlan:Parser             | 00:00:00.000056
     CompilePlan:ReserveResources  | 00:00:00.000025
     PreparePlan:TakeTableLocks    | 00:00:00.000003
    (13 rows)
  • TomYork1986TomYork1986 Vertica Customer

    Thanks for the answer, but that's not exactly what I'm trying to find. I want to get an output like this:
    Rows to proceed:
    Rows proceeded:

  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    select output_rows
    from query_consumption
    where LABEL='The_INSERT_Label';
    -- OR --
    with my_insert as (
    select transaction_id,statement_id
    from query_requests
    where REQUEST_LABEL = 'The_Insert_Label'
    -- OR add: and is_executing
    eep.node_name, eep.operator_name, eep.counter_value
    from execution_engine_profiles eep, my_insert mi
    eep.transaction_id = mi.transaction_id
    and eep.statement_id = mi.statement_id
    and counter_name='rows produced'
    and operator_name='NewEENode'
    order by 1;

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