vertica full backup external fails with below error -t backup -c backup_restore_full_external.ini
Enter vertica password:
Error: Manifest not found at rsync://[x.x.x.x]:50000/home/verticauser/backups/ -- is the backup location initialized? Hint: Execute '--task init' first.

Backup FAILED.

Vertica Version :v9.2.1-0
rsync : rsync version 3.1.2
Note: The pwdless ssh is properly set.
==============================Log snippets============
The rsync connection and file initialization:

2020/01/14 12:36:09 [2396] rsync on vbr/home/verticauser/backup_manifest from UNKNOWN (source IP )
2020/01/14 12:36:09 [2396] building file list
2020/01/14 12:36:09 [2396] rsync: link_stat "/home/verticauser/backup_manifest" (in vbr) failed: No such file or directory (2)
2020/01/14 12:57:33 [2455] name lookup failed for source IP: Name or service not known

Note1: Is it mandatory to have name lookup for rsync? I have added the host names in both source and target and do't see the above error.
However now I see the error below.
2020/01/14 12:58:21 [2457] rsync on vbr/home/verticauser/backups/backup_manifest from UNKNOWN (source ip)
2020/01/14 12:58:21 [2457] building file list
2020/01/14 12:58:21 [2457] rsync: link_stat "/home/verticauser/backups/backup_manifest" (in vbr) failed: No such file or directory (


Best Answers

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Is this the first time running backup to this location or INI file definition? If so, run the initialization task: vbr -t init -c backup_restore_full_external.ini

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator
    Answer ✓

    @msanjib Can you share me the output of the following command

    vbr -t quick-check -c backup_restore_full_external.ini


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