error when analyzing expression: Timestamp out of range
Recently I received many of this warning and size of catalog vertica.log was up to 70GB!
[EE] error when analyzing expression: Timestamp out of range
what happened?
Best Answer
I found the solution:
my query was:
select count(1) from my_table where col1>=TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR, -1, NOW()); -- col1 in nullable
when i change it to this the problem solved:
select count(1) from my_table where col1>=TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR, -1, NOW()) and col1 is not null;
it's a bit exciting that nullable timestamp columns can generate huge warning logs and occupy memory!1
Something like the following can produce this error:
SELECT to_timestamp('999999999-12-22','DD Mm Y');
To find which command produced it in your system, try this:
grep -B 2 -e 'Timestamp out of range' /your_catalog_path/vertica.log | tail -2