Receive on v_node0001: Message receipt from v_node0009 failed []

I'm really unable to figure out a troubleshooting article in vertica portal regarding the below type of message seen in vertica.log
_Receive on v_node0001: Message receipt from v_node0009 failed []___
Can somebody please provide me with pointers on how to trouble-shoot this?
This is vertica 8.1.1
There is a great response per that error from Tom Wall (Vertica Senior Engineering Manager) here:
Thanks Jim. That helps
I did troubleshoot this further. I am seeing the issue in the below scenario. I have concurrent copy (direct) commands being executed against my vertica cluster. If I double the no. of records for each of the copy commands and load them to vertica, I can see that I'm hitting "Message receipt from node failed" error ... I can clearly see that this message is seen only when i am sending more data..
Can anyone explain what could be going wrong here and how to prevent this?