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I want to create a connection string from SSRS to Vertica using Datasource — Vertica Forum

I want to create a connection string from SSRS to Vertica using Datasource

Can anyone provide me the connection string for vertica from SSRS, Like Servername =' XXX', Databasename='''';

Best Answer

  • soumyasoumya Vertica Customer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Sruthi
    Thanks for the update, I was able to create the SSRS report as you specified, But when i want to deploy the report I want to create a datasource from with in Report Server URL, Driver={Vertica}; Database=XXXX; Servername=XXXXX; UID=XXXX; PWD=<>; PreferredAddressFamily=none; like this not able to do it.


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