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The timestamp in backup snapshot — Vertica Forum

The timestamp in backup snapshot

SathyaSathya Vertica Customer

The backup snapshot name (ex:fullbackup_20200316_143005) has date and timestamp. The timestamp is picked up from where ? Is it the DB timestamp or the OS time stamp ?where to check teh same in Linux?


  • AfeAfe - Select Field - Employee

    Hi Sathya,
    The timestamp is obtained from the OS in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). On Linux can obtain the timestamp format with a command like
    date -u +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'

  • SathyaSathya Vertica Customer

    Thanx a lot that answers my question but can it be changes to point OS timestamp ? do we need to the python script for thr same ?

  • SathyaSathya Vertica Customer

    Thanx a lot that answers my question but can it be changes to point OS timestamp ? do we need to the python script for thr same ?

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