MC Upadate issue following Vertica update to V9.3
After have updated Vertica V9.1 to V9.2, I tried to update the Management Console. Tha Update was successfull, but wehen I trie to connect to the MC web UI, I got de following error message:
Another user might have already started the initial configuration process, he/she will have upto 5 minutes to finish up.
Please wait till the process finishes or you could take over the initialization process if the other user does not finish the process within that grace period by refreshing the page.
The MC is installed on a separate server.
Thanks you in advance for your help.
Hi Ahmed,
Someone propably opened the MC page after upgrade in another tab or browser. Try closing all tabs and /or waiting 5 minutes. Once you refresh the page you'll be able to configure the MC.
Kind regards